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The Future of Fashion

How to avoid the fast fashion industry and have fun doing it, no matter your price range or taste it's all covered in this guide to Melbourne most sustainable fashion destinations with other tricks and tips of how to find the best value for money. 

It covers all prices ranges and even offers a night out whilst doing so, whether you’re looking to buy new and environmentally hand mand clothes or to jump back in time it's all here. 

The fast fashion industry is a major impactor on the health of our planet, it emits insane amounts of co2, contamination and waste not only from making the product but the product itself being thrown away because of the poor quality and continuous style changes. 

Many people have started to look for different options other than chain outlets, one of the most popular being opportunity stores, where you can get an item of clothing for a fraction of its original price most often preloved but occasionally new. This is an excellent version of recycling because instead of ending up in landfill it gets put through another cycle of life. 

Vintage clothing stores are much the same but instead of every kind of clothing under the sun there’s usually only a certain style or decade from which the clothing comes from, and it’s a curated store making it easier to find items you like. Because of this, it has a heavier price tag. 

Finally, there are the sustainable fashion brands, these are stores that are making new clothing but what they call “slow fashion” instead. They are using materials and methods that make the clothing they create environmentally friendly. They tend to be the most expensive pieces but are always worth the price tag. 

This is all combined into one booklet for convenience for people to find the sustainable fashion that suits them.



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